WTW unveils new cyber facility for international clients

WTW unveils new cyber facility for international clients | Insurance Business New Zealand
WTW unveils new cyber facility for international clients
Offering to provide extensive cover for established and emerging cyber threats
Terry Gangcuangco
WTW has launched a new primary cyber and tech E&O (errors and omissions) facility for clients headquartered outside of Great Britain and the US.
Called “International CyCore Facility” (ICF), the tailored solution spans legal advice, IT forensics, data and cyber restoration, crisis communication, and business interruption cover for international clients with revenues up to US$1 billion or currency equivalent.
Benefits include increased limits (as much as US$20 million in primary coverage with a single lead insurer), WTW proprietary wording, worldwide cover, and shared risk strength through the backing of specialised Lloyd’s syndicates.
“Our annual D&O (directors and officers) surveys consistently see cyber risk as a significant concern,” WTW wholesale cyber head Adrian Ruiz said in a release. “The increased investment in AI (artificial intelligence) is also causing emerging cyber risks, so it’s essential that we develop solutions which can meet the needs of clients in different territories.
“The evolving cyber risk environment creates a need for a clear, flexible, and relevant solution which can be tailored to our client needs. The ICF offers our international clients access to extensive cyber coverage for both established and emerging cyber threats.”
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