Tips to reduce how much data you use

Tips to reduce how much data you use

South Africa has 1 of the highest data costs in Africa. We all know that we’re paying a lot for data, which is frustrating, but when you actually know that it’s so much more than everyone else, it’s downright annoying. In case you’re wondering, the average of 1GB of prepaid mobile data came to around R37 at the last check.

Considering that so many South Africans rely on their mobile data for internet access, for both personal and professional reasons, this is expensive. Unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot you can do about the price you pay for mobile data, but there are ways to use less data and save money on your data costs.

Here are some tips to help you get more out of your data.

Get those data-saving apps

Data-saving apps are phenomenally useful solutions to this data-hungry world and using these apps can help reduce your use. Essentially, these apps compress data and block ads, so make sure you use them when you’re out and about instead of the ones you’d normally open up when hooked up to WiFi.

A few popular data-saving apps in South Africa include Opera Mini, Datally, and MyMTN.

Turn off automatic updates

Ever wonder how you can go from having all the data you need to absolutely zero in a matter of minutes? It could be down to several reasons, but the most likely culprit is that your automatic updates aren’t turned off. And this can use a lot of data without you realising it.

Get into your settings and turn off automatic updates on your phone so that your phone and app updates only happen when you’re connected to WiFi.

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Opt for offline maps

Navigation apps use a lot of data. As handy as they are, you might want to consider setting up the offline option which doesn’t need an internet connection. Off the top of our heads, Google Maps and Here WeGo are 2 great options with this feature. You can always turn things back on if you want to see what the traffic is doing (something an offline map can’t help you with) and then go back to offline mode.

Where there’s WiFi, there’s a cheaper solution

When you leave your home or work, you’re relying on your own data to connect. So, make sure that you connect to WiFi whenever possible, especially in public places like coffee shops, restaurants, and libraries. Just make sure that you’re connecting to a secure network to avoid scammers who offer free WiFi to steal personal info.

Limit video streaming

It’s tempting to watch reels and YouTube videos when you’re bored. Especially if you’re in the queue at home affairs or the dentist, but this is a great way to chow your data in no time. Sure, it’ll be an entertaining few minutes, but when you’re having to top up yet again, you’ll regret it. What you can do if you absolutely have to stream a video, is reduce the quality of the video that you’re streaming. If you can be prepared, rather download videos when you’re connected to WiFi and watch them later.

Monitor your actual data use

It’s hard to manage what you don’t measure, and luckily, most mobile providers offer data use tracking so that you can monitor your data use. This will give you insights into what’s using up your data so that you can make choices to avoid going over your limit.

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Now that you’ve got a bunch of tips to help you save money on data costs, this might be the time to consider protecting your phone from loss, damage, or theft. If you thought data was costing you a bunch, you’ll be devastated by the cost of replacing your phone. Especially if you’ll have to shell out for a new phone while still making your payments on the lost or broken phone.

If you’re looking for an affordable policy that insures your phone against loss, damage, and theft, there are a few options available on the market with the ability to offer you wonderful peace of mind.

In fact, you can start your journey now by clicking here to get a quick, commitment-free cellphone insurance quote or you can do what the cool kids are doing and WhatsApp 0860 50 50 50 to get your quote.

Psst… This blog provides general info only, and doesn’t count as financial or product advice from King Price or our legal and compliance experts. Remember, all our premiums are risk-profile-dependent, and T’s and C’s apply. Our most up-to-date KPPD (policy wording) can always be found here.

Our website T’s and C’s can be found here.


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Tips to reduce how much data you use


South Africa has 1 of the highest data costs in Africa. We all know that we’re paying a lot for data, which is frustrating, but when you actually know that it’s so much more than everyone else, it’s downright annoying.


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