Beefing Up the Benefit Additional Services Yield Quality

The 2019 workplace is a thing of the past. The pandemic and the urgency of hiring highly talented workers have created a new office environment, and employers are wise if they keep up with the times. Traditional benefits packages are expected, but employees want a little more to convince them to stay.
Group legal plans are benefits that employees will appreciate and use. These are more than just writing wills. A good group legal plan will include legal document review and help with government agencies, among other benefit options. This is great, but employers must remember that a little bit more is expected. Pre-paid legal services that offer extra benefits are what the average plan member has in mind.
Countrywide Goes a Step Further
Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services offers a very comprehensive benefit that meets a lot of the needs of an average person. However, we know that we must do as much as possible, and we offer secondary services that make our basic group legal plan work effectively.
People enjoy remote working, but they do not always appreciate remote benefits communication. It is nice to sit down with a service provider and explain personal needs. Countrywide makes use of a nationwide network of attorneys to provide service. We have an attorney in every community of a Countrywide client. That allows plan members to speak directly, in person, with a Countrywide lawyer. We insist that our plan members get priority status, so it means that a meeting is easy to arrange and can take place in just a few days.
We offer even more.
Plan members sometimes forget essential questions about living wills or other legal documents. Lawyers will ordinarily charge for every telephone call they receive. That is not the case Countrywide. We offer an unlimited number of telephone calls to an attorney in a given situation. It helps clarify things and enhances our pre-paid legal services.
Additional information is often something that government agencies want. A group legal plan member does not always have the time to request pertinent data. A Countrywide attorney is enabled to make telephone calls and write letters on letterhead stationery for the sake of a plan member. Those communication services get information gathered quickly and can also cut through some of the red tape encountered by dealing with public bureaucracy.
Of course, the advice and guidance of our attorneys are a valuable benefit. The law can be confusing, and we make things clear. The Countrywide attorney is recruited for legal expertise and communication capability. That professional will listen to the plan member before giving suggestions. We also expect a high level of emotional intelligence from our lawyers.
The Client Is There from the Beginning
Countrywide offers a streamlined administration of our pre-paid legal services. The benefits should be able to assist any employee of a client. Although we have worked with organizations for years, we know the demographics of each employer are different. The needs are consequently unique from one client to another.
To make sure that a group legal plan fits the needs of a client’s workforce, we ask the management of prospective clients to look at our benefits. We explain them thoroughly and entertain all questions that the prospective client might have. We will explain, but we will not endorse one benefit over another. The client will then decide on those benefits options in their plan. Those choices are part of the final document.
We maintain clear communication with all our clients, and we resolve problems that come up. All our business is transparent, and we foster a good relationship. If you have questions about our benefits, we encourage you to contact us at your earliest convenience. We offer services your employees will want to have.